Playground Strength Workout for Kids- Super Healthy Kids Post!

For my post this month on Super Healthy Kids I decided to put together a workout instead of just writing about stuff I was thinking.  I took the photos at the playground I grew up on, even though now the equipment is different since it's been... a lot of years since I was a kid on the playground.  The workout for kids can be done in 5 minutes or you can take it up to 30 if you're feeling really ambitious.  Playground Strength Workout for Kids

Weight Training and Strength Training for Kids- Super Healthy Kids Post!

For a long time, weight training for kids has widely been considered unsafe.  Over the past decade, new research has shown that with proper coaching, preparation and a safe environment, it can actually be a very positive way for kids to exercise.  For this month's post on Super Healthy Kids, I discuss the whens, whys, and hows of strength training and weight training for kids.

Read the entire post about Weight Training and Strength Training for Kids.

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Best Sports for Kids- Super Healthy Kids Post!

I wrote another post for Super Healthy Kids!  It's about the best sports for kids and how to pick the right one.  Although sports are not the only, or even necessarily the best, way to get kids active, they're definitely a huge part of our culture.  Head on over to the post about best sports for kids for the full piece and more of my exercising giraffe drawings...

Visit for lots of other great posts and recipes.

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Winter Motivation to Keep Kids Active - Active Alfie Post

I wrote a post for my friends over at Active Alfie about how to keep kids motivated to be active during the winter.  It actually talks a lot about how to keep adults motivated too, with some fun ideas and tips for not letting the cold weather slow you down.  Read the full article about motivating kids to be active over at Active Alfie.

Check out Active Alfie to find awesome active activities for kids all over the UK!

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